
People look forward to celebrating at occasions but what they just simply do is talk about the last celebration because the previous celebration had become a memory for every individual to discuss and the time they have spent together is memorable.

In today’s world everyone wants their privacy but in this private time when they feel low what they remember is just

Memories is smart storage which takes you through the flashbacks whenever you feel sad and it’s smart because it knows which flashback story will help you to overcome the sadness.

India wants to have a western culture but in this world not even a single human is perfect so how can be culture is perfect which is made by imperfects.

You know while copying you require smartness but people in India are following western culture not copying.
India is a country with many cultures and languages and people in India live on memories not on facts and figures. So following western culture need to stop because western culture lives on facts and figures.

Memories in Indians work as a tonic that helps them to go and achieve wonders but following someone else culture will not allow them to do that.
Memories is a feeling that makes a person see through themselves and help them to know that what they have done to themselves because of someone else.

Memories make you live the same moment which has made you happy and bring you out of the lows.
Memories can be sweet and bitter as well but when we remember those moments we smile and just say that like seriously we have done this at that moment. How can I even have done something like that in that particular moment but we smile and kept smiling.

That’s all we want at the end to smile and live the moment because life is all about live, laugh and love and it’s beautiful.

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